「成城 学びの森」コミュニティー?カレッジ
Henry James is a master storyteller; as we read, let’s appreciate both the drama of this novella, and its beautiful setting of Venice in summertime. Former members of this class can look forward to continuing our lively discussions. New members: we are eager to hear your comments and opinions. Possible topics for discussion could include Venice as the inspiration and setting for literature, music, art and films; aesthetics; morality; the literary achievements of Henry James; literary themes, such as romance and suspense; the cult of the celebrity; and cosmopolitanism and the migration patterns of writers and artists. You are of course welcome to suggest other topics!
<テキスト>Henry James著『The Aspern Papers』Oxford World's Classics
ISBN:978-0199639878 1,400円程
(1) Introduction to the class, book, Henry James, and Venice
(2) ChaptersⅠ&Ⅱ: read and discuss
(3) ChaptersⅢ&Ⅳ: read and discuss
(4) ChaptersⅤ&Ⅵ: read and discuss
(5) ChaptersⅦ&Ⅷ: read and discuss
(6) ChapterⅨ: read and discuss, followed by concluding discussion
専攻 : 英文学?比較文学