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Special Lectures at the Institute for Economic Studies
“Mexico and the United States: Responding to Trump’s America First” [Finished]

event date: 2019.10.19

You are invited to join us for the special lectures at the Institute for Economic Studies, as described below. There is no need to register. Everyone is welcome.

Special Lectures at the Institute for Economic Studies

Special Lectures at the Institute for Economic Studies
“Mexico and the United States: Responding to Trump’s America First”

Date: 13:30–16:50, October 19 (Sat)
Place: Room 822, 2F Building No. 8
Directions to Seijo University
 Part 1. “Globalization and the Mexican Economy: The Impact of the New NAFTA”
 Speaker: Rubén Antonio Chavarín Rodríguez (Professor at the University of Guadalajara)
 Commentator: Jesús Gerardo Rios Almodovar (Professor at the University of Guadalajara)

 Part 2. “The Immigration Issue and Mexican Immigration Policy: Reading the Background of the Immigration Issue”
 Speaker: Salvador Carrillo Regalado (Professor at the University of Guadalajara)
 Commentator: Martha Elena Campos Ruíz (Professor at the University of Guadalajara)

*Language: Spanish (sequential interpretation)

Attendance is free.
Registration is not needed. Everyone is welcome.

*This symposium is held as part of the “AY2019 Private University Research Branding Project.”

Institute for Economic Studies, Seijo University
Tel: 03-3482-9187