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?“‘Face to Face with Italy’: American Women in Elizabeth Spencer’s The Light in the Piazza.” Seijo English Monographs 39 (2007): 1-60.
?“Venice, Orientalism, and The Wings of the Dove.” Seijo English Monographs 40 (2008): 385-406.
?“Defining the American Fl?neuse: Constance Feminore Woolson and ‘A Florentine Experiment.’” The Japanese Journal of American Studies 19 (2008): 83-102.
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?“Mixing Memory and Science: Kimiko Hahn’s Toxic Flora and the Idea of Home.” Feminist Studies in English Literature 24.1
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?「YellowfaceとWhitewashing——ボストン美術館のKimono Wednesdaysをめぐって」AALA Journal 24号、2018年、1-8貢。
?“Cross-dressing as whitewashing:The Kimono Wednesdays protests and the erasure of Asian/American bodies.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 20.4(2019):582-595.
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