【学術論文 (査読あり)】
Hosoda, M. (2023). Time course of verbs’ implicit causality during L2 comprehension: An extended replication of Hijikata (2021). ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan), 34,97–112
Hosoda, M. (2021). Proactive use of verbs’ implicit causality bias for making predictions in Japanese EFL learners. ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan), 32, 17–32.
Hosoda, M. (2020). Establishing coreference in Japanese EFL students using verbs' implicit causality: A sentence completion study. ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan), 31, 193–208.
Hosoda, M. (2019). Causal explanation in EFL readers: Memory for causal information is necessary but not sufficient. JACET (The Japan Association of College English Teachers) Journal, 63, 85–103.
Hosoda, M. (2017). Learning from expository text in L2 reading: Memory for causal relations and L2 reading proficiency. Reading in a Foreign Language, 29(2), 245–263.
Hosoda, M. (2016). The interplay of text cohesion and L2 reading proficiency in different levels of text comprehension among EFL readers. ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan), 27. 201–216.
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